Here you see each single number placed in the 4-side pi-ramid´s
Single digits within the pi-ramid
Here you see each single digit
So is it by chance or was it on purpose?
What an affinity! So anew the question: „Is this affinity by chance or was it on purpose of the pyramides architects – or by the spirit pushing them?“ – The first picture is showing a numeric design demonstrating the symmetric…
Does pi disguise a visual code?
View of the symmetric digits (black dots) of the circlenumber pi within the 177-step pi-ramid. Here you can see the symmetric dots in white colour. The four-sided pi-ramid in top view Here you see the negative of the four-sided pi-ramid…
The fallen off beard of the sphinx
What a huge surprise! Even the fallen off beard of the sphinx
Let´s keep moving on the pi-ramid
Symmetric digits of pi (black and lightblue) placed in the pi-ramid´s 177 steps. Yes – I followed my intuition. It was leading me while bringing out symmetric dots ( black colour). The decision which dot should be could be considered…
The decisive question
While doing artwork with the face of pi my inner feeling asked me „Why not follow the pi-ramid´s lines?“
Pi – the dotsearch
Dealing with with the dots I asked me:
The face of pi
Pi needs 80 steps to show it´s face. You see
Wouw! – what´s that?
Just now we see the first 24 steps
The first 4 steps of the pi-ramid
The symmetric digits of the first 4 steps
The answer
„“How showing Pi best? How the digits of Pi want to be placed?“
Pi – the beginning
Early in the morning as I opened my eyes I felt plenty of energy and so I rised to paint. But then I realized
Is this by chance or was this on purpose of the pyramid´s architects?
First picture = symmetric