Welcome to our gallery – please click on photo – then click from one painting to the other or enjoy slide show

feeling free


face in the sky

7 flowers

Tommy Turkey



down by the river-bank

Do come!!!

Harrison Hare

dancing the Boogie-Woogie

dancing queen

dancing circle

dancing birds

a long time ago

King Rudy Rooster

dancing angels

child of starseas

you know him

wondering angel

black and white

Guddy Goose

tree of life in his mind

the tree of life

the power of love

the golden path

because for those is the kingdom of heaven

the eye above

the 6th day

she loves you

sailing across the rainbow

2 faces

releasing mercy of forgiving

red star

red horizon


playing dolphins

mother earth



living buddha

let´s have a walk to the pituitary gland

lady in black

Willy Wild Boar

indian summer

and you know him

howdy hey

hello darling

being happy

going on

angel´s prayer

flying birds

after that

fleeing pinguins


at the end of the rainbow